What Do I Offer?

Listening to you with empathy and an open heart

  • Without judgement

  • With clarity of intention

  • Without trying to fix you

  • To promote self-awareness

  • To support the development of your inherent strengths

  • Empowering you to identify & strengthen your own inner resources

  • Helping you to feel more embodied

  • Encouraging you to grow and evolve

A powerful crucible for transformation

The body has a magnificent intelligence.

Holistic counselling harnesses this intelligence and combines it with more traditional forms of talking therapy.

I love crazy wisdom and draw on the teachings of Osho, Sufi mysticism, Tantra, Zen & Taoist philosophy, as well as Jungian psychology.

Jung said that integration of the shadow was the “apprentice-piece” and integration of the anima / animus was the “master-piece” of becoming whole. 

My intention is to help people to become more mature, integrated human beings who are connected to their true essence.

Working together to help you…

  • Live at a deeper and more meaningful level.

  • Connect more authentically with yourself and others.

  • Feel more relaxed within yourself.

  • Take actions and decisions that support your well-being.

  • Improve your state of well-being, confidence, and interpersonal relationships.